St Augustine's CofE Primary School

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St Augustine's CofE Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Welcome to Year 6


 Article 28 Every child has the right to an education

We finished our last day at St Augustine's with a class party. We ate food, played games and danced our socks off! 

On Thursday 18th July St Augustine’s said goodbye to our amazing Year 6. During our graduation ceremony we looked back at some of our favorite memories and accepted our leavers hoodies. Congratulations, and may your journey be filled with success and happiness. Goodbye, and best wishes to the remarkable Class of 2024!

The wonderful Year 6 put on a spectacular end of year performance of Peter Pan, during the last week of school. Everyone was blown away by the acting and singing from Year 6. What a way to end a wonderful year! 



Congratulations to the wonderful Natalia. Who came 1st place in the country wide Eco Competition. 

Today was sports day at school. All the children were put into different country themed teams and took part in different sporting activities. There were some tricky activities, like an egg and spoon race, an obstacle course and a sprinting race. The children worked well in their teams and had lots of fun. Congratulations to the winning team, Switzerland! 


On Friday 12th July Year 6 boarded the train at Manchester Piccadilly for their end of year trip down to London. We got to take in many of the sights. Including a very special visit to Downing Street, where we were able to take pictures in front of the world famous black door. We carried on to Buckingham Palace enjoying ice cream on the way, and finished up our day shopping for a souvenir to remember this fantastic trip. We had such an amazing time! 

 The Big Sing 

All month, Year 6 have been learning some classic country songs. Classics by country legends such as Taylor Swift, Billy Ray Cyrus, Rascal Flatts and Dolly Parton. On Friday 28th June, Year 6 took the tram to The Bridge Water Hall to listen and sing along to a live country band. The hall was full of dancing and singing. Year 6 had an amazing time!

Fire and Water Safety Talk

On Friday 21st June our local fire service came into Year 6, to give a talk on water safety and the dangers of wildfires. It was very informative, teaching us the best ways to stay alive in dangerous waters with their slogan ‘Float to Live’. The firefighters then went on to tell us all the ways to prevent a wildfire and what to do if we see one. Before they left, they told us about the app ‘What Three Words’. This app helps us locate our exact location when talking to an operator.

Nell Jones Award

The Nell Jones award was set up in her memory and is awarded to children who have worked hard

and made great progress in reading.

Our lovely Eman in year 6 was lucky enough to receive this award for all her hard work.

She was invited with her parents to the Victoria and Albert Hotel in Manchester to have a special lunch with other winners and recieve her award.

We are all very proud of her.

Year 6 Leavers Service

On Monday 17th June, year 6 went to Manchester Cathedral to take part in the leavers service.

Lots of other schools around Manchester came together with their year 6 pupils to celebrate all the children's achievements and wish them well on their journey to High School.

Before the children attended they had to make a flag that represented the school and also

write a prayer for a class of year 5 children.

These prayers were exchanged in the Cathedral with another school. 

Each school had made a chain of prayers which will be displayed through the Cathedral.

Article 14: Every child has the right to think and believe what they choose and practice their religion.


St Augustine's Got Talent 

On Friday 14th June, St Augustine's held their annual talent show. We have many talented children in school. But sadly, only three acts per class went through to the final talent show. Everyone was blown away by the many different acts, and it was a very hard decision who to vote for. Year 6's three acts were amazing. With Dominion taking second place, with his wonderful piano skills, and the girls' dance troop winning first place with their flawless dance routine. You can see them below. Well done to everyone who took part. We think you are all winners!


The children in year 6 have been lucky enough to take part in a BMX session at Platt Fields for a session each Thursday for the next 5 weeks. 

The children will learn how to ride a bike confidently and safely.

Some of the children were a little nervous, but everyone had a good try and really enjoyed themselves.

They are looking forward to improving their skills and being able to ride on the BMX track.

Article 15: Every child has the right to meet with other children and join groups and organisations.

Article 31: Children have the right to rest and play and take part in a range of activities.

Cricket Engagement Day 

As part of cricket engagement day, Year 6 had the opportunity to take part in a short session.

We did a quick warm up and then took part in a batting and fielding game.

We had a lot of fun and we really appreciate having the coach come to teach us!

Simple Hot Cocoa for One Recipe | Epicurious Hot Chocolate with Ms Shah. Simple Hot Cocoa for One Recipe | Epicurious


Rasty and Aiden were chosen this week to have a hot chocolate with Ms Shah.

They have been working really hard in Year 6 recently.

Congratulations Rasty and Aiden. 

 Simple Hot Cocoa for One Recipe | Epicurious    Hot Chocolate with Ms Shah. Simple Hot Cocoa for One Recipe | Epicurious  


Izabella was chosen this week to have a hot chocolate with Ms Shah.

She was chosen for being a superstar in Year 6. She has been trying really hard in school with her learning as she prepares for her SATS. 

Well Done Izabella!

Skateboarding Club

Along with Year 5, some of our Year 6's have joined the skateboarding club which happens after school on a Friday. During the sessions, they are learning all about the safety equipment that skateboarders use, the different parts of the skateboard and then getting the opportunity to try some new skills and tricks. 

Please have a look at the pictures and videos below to see how they are getting on.

 Drawing With Rob Experience 


Along with Year 5, we have had the brilliant opportunity to meet Rob Biddulph. Rob is an author and illustrator who has produced lots of creative books for children. He put together a series of videos during lockdown on how to draw certain characters.

We learnt how he became an author and illustrator, we got the chance to take part in an interactive drawing with him, and then get a sneak peek of his new book.

This was an amazing experience and we appreciate receiving a signed copy of his art work!   Honeypot

On Monday 25th March, some year 4,5 and 6 children went on a  4 day residential to the

Honeypot House in Pen Y Bryn Wales.

The residential is designed to support children with self esteem, confidence and build their confidence whilst having fun. The children took part in lots of different activities where they learnt new coping strategies and worked on problem solving and built up their independence. 

The children had great fun making worry monsters, jolly jars, self portraits, pizza's and much more. They also went on a fantastic trip to the British Iron Works where they saw lots of fantastic sculptures and went on an extinction trail. Whilst at the house they got to play on the outdoor equipment like bikes, go karts and trampolines. They even got to go swimming in the Honeypot's swimming pool. 

All the children had a fantastic time and came away with lots of happy memories. 

Article 31: Children have the right to rest and play and take part in a range of activities.

A big congratulations to Success, Bella, Rasty, Farooq, Natalia and Mohammed who earned a treat with Ms Shah for their great behaviour in school.

These 6 children went out for the afternoon with Ms Shah to take part in a table tennis event.

Well done!! 


Year 6 visit Chester Zoo!

We had the amazing opportunity to visit Chester Zoo for the whole day before half term. We had the chance to see the orangutans, exotic birds, tigers, penguins, bats and some crocodiles. Although it was very wet and cold, this did not dampen our experience and Year 6 were exceptional throughout! 

Please enjoy looking through our pictures and videos below. 


Get Away 'N' Get Safe

During Stay Safe week, we have had three sessions with James from GANGS (Get Away 'N' Get Safe) prevention programme. During the sessions, we have learned about the dangers of being involved in gangs, and therefore, how we can make sure we can stay safe. 

We really appreciate having James in with us and teaching us the importance of staying safe. 

Taste It then Guess It Challenge 

Miss Barr gave Year 6 a blind food tasting challenge. 

In teams, the children had to taste a variety of different foods, whilst being blindfolded, and then describe what they have tasted to their team. 

Year 6 had to consider what it tasted like, what it smelt like and how did it feel before trying to describe it.

What a fun way to spend the afternoon!

Premier League Primary Stars Football Tournament

Year 6 have had the amazing opportunity to participate in the Premier League Primary Stars tournament at Manchester City academy stadium at the start of the New Year. 8 of the boys and 8 of the girls have competed in the tournament and both teams have successfully made it through to the finals of the tournament. Both teams have made us very proud with not only how they have played but their sportsmanship as well.

Well done Year 6 and good luck for the finals!!

Have A Go Event

On Friday 19th January, Year 6 were invited to the Manchester Youth Zone to attend an event all about climate change. During the event, we learned all about different types of renewable energy, how we can reuse and recycle different materials to help the environment and how we can grow our own food. 

We want to thank all the volunteers, staff and experts who looked after us for the day and helped us to understand the impact that we can have on our planet.

                            Simple Hot Cocoa for One Recipe | Epicurious     Hot Chocolate with Ms Shah. Simple Hot Cocoa for One Recipe | Epicurious  


Ollie was chosen this week to have hot chocolate with Ms Shah.

He was chosen for his positive attitude towards his learning during the week.

Well Done Ollie!

Kesgrave High School Term Dates 2021-2025 - Kesgrave News

Today we ended the Term with a Christmas Song get together.

Each class performed a song that they had been practicing. Year six performed their version of the Twelve Days of Christmas.

Everyone sang beautifully and it was a fantastic end to all our festive celebrations.

Hat,red,birthday,party,stripes - free image from                Party Time!                Hat,red,birthday,party,stripes - free image from

Today it was the Key Stage 2 Christmas Parties.

We all had a fantastic time and lots of fun dancing and playing games.

Year 6 have some very talented dancers who showed off their dancing skills.

Everyone enjoyed the day and had some lovely treats. 

christmas-tree-clipart | Riverside Primary Academy   Christmas Sing Around   christmas-tree-clipart | Riverside Primary Academy

Today we were joined by our friends from Saviour School, to share some of our favourite christmas songs.

Each class sang their chosen song for the other classes then we shared lots of old favourites.

Everyone enjoyed the festivities.

Simple Hot Cocoa for One Recipe | Epicurious     Hot Chocolate with Ms Shah. Simple Hot Cocoa for One Recipe | Epicurious  

A number of children were chosen this week to have hot chocolate with Ms Shah.

Dylan was chosen as he was an amazing helper when we went to Ghyll Head, and no job was too much for him.

Sammy and Sonny were also chosen as they had been fantastic helpers in the KS1 performance making sure the lights were on in the right places.

Well Done Everyone!

Christmas Snow

On Wednesday 6th December the children in school got to hang their bauble on our beautiful christmas tree.

The grand switch on this year was carried out by the fantastic Miss D'Silva.

We are all looking forward to the celebrations in school over this advent period.

Article 14: You have the right to choose your own religion and beliefs.

Article 30: You have the right to practice your own culture, language and religion.

Ghyll Head 2023

On Wednesday 29th November, year 6 and some year 5 children went on a residential trip to Ghyll Head in the Lake District.

Whilst there the children took part in a range of outdoor activities.

The children went canoeing on Lake Windermere, climbed Gummers How, went scrambling at Humphreys Head and did some orienteering and the zip wire on the grounds of Ghyll Head. 

The children were fantastic and really challenged themselves to try new experiences. 

They even took part in a talent contest on the Thursday evening.

Everyone including the staff had an amazing time!

Simple Hot Cocoa for One Recipe | Epicurious    Hot Chocolate with Ms Shah.   Simple Hot Cocoa for One Recipe | Epicurious

A number of children were chosen this week to have hot chocolate with Ms Shah.

The children from our ECO Group, who went out to represent our school and were fantastic ambassadors.

Both the year 6 boys and girls football teams who went out to different tournaments and did us all proud.

Well Done Everyone!

Article 31: Children have the right to rest and play and take part in a range of activities.


ECO Representativies

ECO Representativies



Year 6 Boys Footbal Team


Year 6 Girls Football Team
Year 6 Boys Football Team Year 6 Girls Football Team

Wood Street Mission

On Monday 20th November, St Augustine's children were lucky enough to receive some new books from a wonderful charity called

'Wood Street Mission'.

They let each of the children in school choose 3 new books that they got to take home and keep.

They were also given a lovey bag to take home these amazing gifts in.

I know that all the children were extremely grateful and would like to say a big Thank You to the charity.


Friendship Week

ODD SOCKS DAY - November 20, 2023 - National Today


This year we celebrated Friendship Week between 13th-17th November.

The theme this year is

'Make a Noise About Bullying'

We started the week on Monday with Odd Socks Day! 

We asked all children and staff to wear odd socks to school.    

Odd Socks Day is about understanding that everyone is different and unique and that everyone is EQUAL. 

Classes took part in a range of activities in their daily PHSE lesson.

Year 6 also wrote some fantastic poems.

Article 13: Children have the right to share freely with others what they learn, think and feel by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way. 

Girls Football

On Monday 13th November the Girls football team went to the MCA to take part in a football tournament. Even though it was really cold and wet, the girls played fantastically and managed to win three out of the four games.

Well Done Girls!

Article 31: Children have the right to rest and play and take part in a range of activities.

Clip-on Poppy | Buy a Poppy | Poppy Shop UK Remembrance Day AssemblyClip-on Poppy | Buy a Poppy | Poppy Shop UK

Today Year Six presented a very special assembly to the whole school.

We used the information that we have been learning in our History lessons on World War Two and taught the whole school about the history of Remembrance Day.

We lead the school in their two minute silence and performed the famous poem, In Flanders Fields by John McCrae.

Article 13: Sharing thoughts freely
Article 17: Access to information

Cinema tickets - Candis         Cinema Trip        Cinema tickets - Candis

On Wednesday 8th November, Year 6 were lucky enough to go to the cinema to watch 

'Lile Lile Crocodile'

The children had a great time and really enjoyed the film.

Article 31. Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of activities.

Simple Hot Cocoa for One Recipe | Epicurious    Hot Chocolate with Ms Shah.   Simple Hot Cocoa for One Recipe | Epicurious

This week the wonderful Reyyan was chosen to have hot chocolate with Ms Shah. He was chosen for always being kind, caring and a really good friend. He is a fantastic ambassador for out school.

Well Done Reyyan!

Gift Insanity BLUE PETER BADGE BLUE 77mm novelty badge :  Fashion       Blue Peter Live     Gift Insanity BLUE PETER BADGE BLUE 77mm novelty badge :  Fashion

On Friday 3rd November, wonderful year 6 were lucky enough to be asked to take part in 

a Blue Peter live show at Media City.

The show featured England's Youth Eurovision entrants STAND UNIQU3  and the fantastic Geri Halliwell a

former Spice Girl.

She was on the show talking about her new book Rosie Frost and the Falcon Queen.

The children got to meet the presenters and Henry the Dog. 

All the children had a great time. If you did not manage to catch the live show you can find it on iplayer. 

Respect,  Uunderstanding,  Dangers,  Equality


On 20th October pupils in Year 5 & Year 6 took part in a R.U.D.E workshop. It was led by Dean Coady O.B.E.

He gave an inspirational and educational talk about his experiences and how respect, understanding, dangers & equality relate to everyday life. He helps to equip and educate young people with practical ways to 'Keep Safe'  and use their voices in a positive way.

Article 29: Education must encourage a child's respect for Human Rights.

Harvest festival 2021 | St. Christopher's Nursery School

Today we had our Harvest Festival.

Hannah from Saviour Church came to do our assembly supported by some of our amazing year 6 pupils.

We were lucky enough to have lots of donations from some of our wonderful families.

We have been able to make lots of parcels for people who may be struggling a little in these difficult times.

Article 24: Every child has the right to clean water and nutritious food.

Article 27: Every child has the right to a good standard of living.

Today year 6 went to the RHS Bridgewater to take part in a workshop.

The children got to explore the beautiful grounds and find out about the many benefits of the trees and plants

that are grown there. 

After lunch the children got the opportunity to design their own environmentally friendly garden using information they had found out during the morning. They then got to build their gardens with lego and explain what they had included and the benefits to the environment.

They even got to plant some seeds they could bring back to school.

Even though it was a wet day, we all had a great day.

Article 29: Education should help you protect the environment.

Fire Safety Talk
Year 6 took part in an insightful talk from Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue.
During the lesson, the children were taught the serious dangers that can occur around Bonfire Night, as well as necessary safety precautions. The talk also covered the dangers of hoax calls and the importance of understanding the laws around fireworks. Each child was given multiple opportunities to ask relevant questions and the answers were informative and some even inspiring! The children found it fascinating and treated our guests with the highest respect. 

Soccik natural badminton balls, foam badminton balls, Shuttlecock, for ball  games, outdoors, indoors, sports activities, pack of 3, white : Sports & Outdoors   European Sports Day  Giant Tennis Ball : Kent Cricket Direct

Today year 6 went to the Etihad training ground, to take part in European Sports Day activities.

The children got the chance to try out the long jump, squash, badminton and tennis. The children had great fun whilst learning a new sport.

On Monday, our wonderful  year 5/6 girls football team took part in a football tournament.

They all played fantastic and did not lose a single game!

Article 29 Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.

Take Over Day

Article 29: Education should help you develop your talents.

Article 13: You have the right to find out things and share what you think with others.

 Friday 15th September,  was 'Take Over Day' in school.

 Children in year 6 had the opportunity put themselves forward for the role of Headteacher

and Assistant Head.

They had to write a speech and present to the whole school. The children in school then voted for which candidate they wanted to become Headteacher.

Well Done to Chelsea who was voted to become Headteacher for the day!

Natalia was voted in as Assistant Head.

Reyyan and Sonny were given the roles of Office Staff.

In each class the pupils got to take over the roles of the teaching staff and they all had the opportunity to teach a lesson in class during the day.

The children planned and delivered a number of different lessons during the day such as

Art, Maths, P.E and Computing.

In Year 6 these children chose to teach lessons:

Rasty- art, drawing a cartoon 
Farooq - history, WW2 and historical figures including Napoleon 
Larissa, Success, Jochebed, Chelsea - cooking, making cupcakes
Sonny - music technology 
Dominion, Reyyan, Aiden - coding and adding variables 
Abdul - classroom games 
Mohammed, Jordan - outdoor games and dodgeball

During their time as Headteacher and Assistant Head, Chelsea and Natalia had to take the Celebration assembly

and even write a letter from the Head.

Everyone had a really good day and we are sure we have lots of budding teachers of the future in our class!

Check out some of the lessons the children taught.

Parliament Week

As part of our parliament week the children in school got to vote for class representatives for the ECO Group and the Ethos and Inclusion Group.

Here are Year 6's Representatives.



ECO Group

Hassen & Natalia

Ethos and Inclusion Group

Farooq & Reyann


Welcome back!

We hope you all had a good summer. 

The staff are extremely excited to begin this Year with you.

Year 6 will be filled with new exciting topics and lots of incredible experiences.

Below you will find out Autumn New Letter, where you will find out what the children will be larning this Term.

Year 6's P.E days will be Tuesdays and Fridays.

The children should come to school these days in their P.E Kits.

Kits are:

T-Shirts - Innovation Schoolwear Black shorts with cord | CoolclubMens Black Joggers |

White T-Shirt              Black Shorts                  Black Joggers

Article 30. You have the right to practice your own culture, language and religion - or any you choose

Every year each class in school get to choose a charity they would like to support.

This year we have chosen 'The British Heart Foundation'.

Hopefully we will be able to raise some much needed money for this charity.


British Heart Foundation | BAPCO