Nursery 2024-2025
Spring Term
Welcome to the Spring term! We have already had a fantastic start to the new year and we are really excited about all the fun learning we have planned over the coming weeks.
We would also like to welcome our new families who will be joining us this term.
Please take some time to read the newsletter. As always, if you have any questions please come and speak to us,
Miss Rickman and Mrs. Brawn
Autumn Term
We had lots of fun celebrating Christmas in December. We decorated our classroom and made some cards to take home. We had a Christmas party and even had a visit from Santa. We heard stories about the first Christmas when Jesus was born.
Nursery have enjoyed reading the story of 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen. As a class we have read and re-told the story through small world activities and sensory experiences. The children had lots of fun touching and describing the different materials that appear throughout the story.
In provision Nursery have focused on creating bear pictures using handprints and paint as well as creating bear masks from paper plates, brown craft paper, paint and markers.
Nursery had lots of fun learning about bonfire night both indoors and in the EYFS garden. We built a pretend bonfire by collecting lots of sticks and leaves. Some children even used toy fire trucks to "put the fire out!"
During continuous provision, children made paper sparklers from coloured tissue paper and paper straws.
At carpet time Nursery watched and listened to videos of fireworks before using coloured scarfs to pretend to be a firework.
This half-term Nursery children have begun to settle into their new classroom, becoming familiar with routines, rules and having enjoyed exploring the many resources available within the indoor and outdoor areas. Children have begun to form friendships and started to understand the qualities of kindness, sharing and turn taking.
Nursery and Reception have chosen to support the BookTrust as their class charity.
Autumn Theme - 'Let's Celebrate'
This term our theme is ‘Let’s Celebrate’. This theme will give the children lots of opportunities to learn about themselves, their friends and their teachers. We’ll celebrate one another’s achievements and the qualities which make us each unique and special. We’ll celebrate friendship, family and the people who are important to us. The children will also learn about and celebrate a selection of autumn festivals including Harvest, Diwali and Christmas.
We want to make learning exciting for your child and we welcome any ideas from home.