Welcome to Year 4
Happy New Year everyone!! We hope you have had a fantastic break and are ready to meet 2025 head on!
We have PE on Wednesday afternoons and swimming will continue on Friday afternoons. The after school club for year 4 is on Wednesday until 4:15 and this half term we are learning to play Basketball.
Christingle Service
We had a whole school Christingle service. A member of each class lit a candle and each class sang a Christmas carol. Year 4 sang rocking around the Christmas tree and the teachers sung Merry Christmas Everyone.
Things we would like to share with you.......
Article 12 - The right to be heard.
Year 4 go to the cinema!
We in 4 where lucky enough to enjoy a day out to the cinema to watch an amazing film called Kensuke's kingdom.
The children really enjoyed spending time together watching the movie and really enjoyed the film.
Our trip to Manchester Museum......
Making our own instrument's......
For one of our homework projects Year 4 where asked to use things they found around their house to create an amazing instrument. It could be any instrument they choose and Year 4 did not disappoint!!
During our Design technology lessons we have been designing and creating mechanical car prototypes and powering there movements by using a ramp. We used straws, elastic bands, pegs and plastic wheels to create them. The children enjoyed testing who's car went the furthest.
Black History month.
During this term our school celebrated Black history month. During our lessons we learned about some very important people who’s actions and influence helped changed the way people of colour where treated and how they helped make their lives better for future generations. We learned about Harriet Tubman, Laurie Cunningham, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and many more. We where so amazed by what these people did we shared what we had learnt with the rest of our school during our celebration assembly.
World Peace Day 
On Friday 20th of September we celebrated international world peace day.
We wore our own clothes for this day at school. We drew pictures and spoke about what world peace would mean to us.
We also had a special surprise from a member of our school community. He brought in some of his white homing birds for the children to see and learn about. Some of us have been learning about homing birds during our guided reading so it was a really good experience for the children to see their guided reading book come to life.
The children where able to touch, hold and release the white birds which they all really enjoyed.
Take Over Day!!
On September the 13th Saint Augustine's had Take Over Day.
Take over day meant that the children took over the school!!
During take over day the children of year 4 took over the teacher role and taught the lessons for the day which they really enjoyed.
The children taught an art lesson, a dance lesson, a cake decorating lesson and a sports lesson.
We where also lucky enough to have a visit from the new head teacher!
Year Four have chosen to support the National Deaf Society as their class charity.
Article 19 - The right to be safe.
What are we learning about this term........
Article 28 - The right to learn.