St Augustine's CofE Primary School

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St Augustine Street, Manchester, M40 8PL


St Augustine's CofE Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Welcome to Reception!

Welcome to all of our new and returning children, parents and carers. Starting Reception is an exciting time, your child will learn lots of new things and acquire new skills. We are really looking forward to the year ahead.

The children are settling well and they are enjoying meeting new friends and exploring our resources.

Welcome Newsletter 

 Let's Celebrate!

This term our theme is ‘Let’s Celebrate’.  This theme will give the children lots of opportunities to learn about themselves, their friends and their teachers. We’ll celebrate one another’s achievements and the qualities which make us each unique and special. We’ll celebrate friendship, family and the people who are important to us.  The children will also learn about and celebrate a selection of autumn festivals including Harvest, Diwali and Christmas.

We want to make learning exciting for your child and we welcome any ideas from home.


Packed Lunch Policy

Intended Learning for the Autumn Term