St Augustine's CofE Primary School

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St Augustine Street, Manchester, M40 8PL


St Augustine's CofE Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Welcome to Year 1's Class Page 

What have we been up to so far??

During this term Year 1 have been learning about the development of caterpillars and their transition into butterflies.  

We where lucky enough to have some caterpillars in our classroom so we could watch the process first hand. We watched the caterpillar grow bigger and wrap themselves up into their cocoons. We waited for over a week for them to emerge into beautiful butterflies. 

The children in Year 1 took care of them for the next week as they grew stronger and learnt to fly. 

We then took them to a quiet area of our playground and carefully released them. The children where so excited to watch our beautiful butterflies fly away and begin there journeys in the wild. 

Super Potato Had Mini Super Potatoes!!!!!!  

During some of our science lessons Year 1 learnt about the process of flowers and how they grow if we plant seeds and give them what they need to grow. During one of these lessons we planted one of our super potatoes to see what would happen. The children where extremely excited to discover that we now had more super potatoes!! Mrs. Farnell has kindly volunteered to take our very own home grown potatoes home and cook them for us so we can enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Year 1 had some very cute and very small visitors to our classroom. Our year 2 class had duck eggs in an incubator which then hatched the very cute ducklings. 

Year 2 where very kind and allowed the ducklings to visit our class before they went to there new home.

The children where excited to see them.

Year 1 become green fingered and grew our very own beanstalks.

During our science lessons we learned about the growth of plants, what plants need to survive and why they are important for our environment.

We planted our seeds and watched closely over a five week process as our seeds became very tall beanstalks.  

The children took great pride in looking after their plants and where extremely happy to take them home and plant them. 

Year 1 where lucky enough to have the opportunity to take a trip to the Fireground museum while we were learning about the Great fire of London. 

While we were there we took a look at the very first fire engine and how they have developed over the years. We also learnt how the great fire encouraged people to develop better ways to tackle a fire if it was to ever happen again. 

The children really enjoyed the museum and learning about the history of the fire brigade. They especially enjoyed playing dress up and being able to play in an actual Fire engine. 

Cartoon Easter bunny and egg holiday egghunting. Cute rabbit or bunny animal hatched from painted egg with cracked pink shell, spring green grass and chamomile flowers

For our Design Technology project year 1 made our very own puppets. We designed them, cut them out of material and stapled them together. We also decided that because it was so close to Easter we would make our puppets easter themed. The children really enjoyed making an Easter bunny or Easter chick puppet.                                                                                                                                                                                                            

         origami logo design vector icon symbol template illustration origami logo design vector icon symbol template illustration elephant stock illustrations    Our Trip To The Zoo!!   origami logo design vector icon symbol template illustration origami logo design vector icon symbol template illustration elephant stock illustrations

In year 1 we have been learning about the life cycle of frogs. We are lucky enough to have our own pond on our school grounds so we collected some frog spawn from our pond and put them in a tank in our classroom so we could watch them develop into tadpole's in real time. 

The children enjoy coming into class in the mornings and checking on our class pets.  

THIS WEEK WAS CHRISTMAS WEEK AND WE HAVE BEEN BUSY BEE'S IN YEAR 1...Lets show you what fun we have had. 

Christmas party day!!!!!



The children then enjoyed a little tea party with their class mates where they made their own Christmas themed place mats and wore their party hats they had made themselves during the week. 

After we went for a disco and dance in the hall with our year 2 friends. 

The children had the best  time winning prizes for the best dancer! 

To bring the fun filled day to an end we had a surprise visit from a super special someone and his elf.....

During our final weeks of term Year 1 and 2 joined together for our KS1 nativity play.

The children did an amazing job as alot of you parents saw.  With their brilliant acting, amazing singing and our fantastic narrators the play was a major success. 

Well done Year 1 and 2 you made everyone super proud x

Wednesday 6th of December.....BIG NEWS!!!


Today was St Augustine's big Christmas tree switch on! 

Each child in our  school was given a Christmas bauble to place on our school tree which they all did at some point throughout the day.

Year 1 had lots of fun adding their own little baubles too the tree, even if we could only reach the bottom :)


We had a special visit from a charity called Wood street mission. 

They very generously donated books to our school for the children to choose and take home for free. The children where so happy to be able to take books home to read to their grownups!

You may have seen your little one come home with a red bag full of story books. 

Thank you Wood street mission for your kind gesture.

During this half term Year 1 and Year 2 took a trip to the cinema to watch Epic Tails. 

The children really enjoyed our day out as we took the tram to the cinema which was a first for some of the children. 

It was really nice for the  children to experience a day at the cinema with all there class mates. 

In our science lessons we have been learning all about the seasons and how things around us change during the different seasons. We have mainly focused on Autumn and the changes we could see which gave us clues to let us no Autumn had arrived. The children went on a little walk around the school yard to document what we could see. 

During our Math lessons we have been learning about all the differnt ways we can make our whole number using part whole models. 

The children worked in pairs and where very intrigued by all the different equations they could use to make their number.

Last week it was Friendship day at St Augustine's so we had some fun doing some nice activities with our friends in class. We spoke about what makes a good friend and what we could do to be  better friends. The children had lots of fun telling the class what makes there friends so special to them. 

On Friday the15th of September it was take over day in our school. 

All the children had the opportunity to become teachers for the day and teach the children in their class various lessons.  

Article 29: Education should help you develop your talents.

Article 28: You have the right to a good quality education.