St Augustine's CofE Primary School

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St Augustine Street, Manchester, M40 8PL


St Augustine's CofE Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Bubble World

Bubble World

Bubble World

Bubble Bobble

Fancy Delight

Fancy Matter personal use

Fancy Delight


Fancy Delight

Fancy Delight

Fancy Delight

Fancy Delight

Fancy Delight

Fancy Delight

Fancy Delight

Fancy Delight

Fancy That

Fancy That

Fancy That



Here is the Youtube link to the playlist of songs for our Easter Play...



Soubath Ambyar



Soubath Ambyar

Twice Writing

Twice Writing

Twice Writing

Twice Writing

Fancy Valentine

Fancy Valentine

stars world Regular Fonty

The Outline

MF Star Dings Regular

Diane de France

DuCahier xp Cursive scolaire

Fancy Valentine

Fancy Valentine

Diane de France

Fancy Valentine

Fancy Valentine

Oh Mighty Isis Regular


Army Boy

Fancy Valentine

Fancy Valentine

Our story map for our Talk 4 Writing...

Here are some of the highlights of our trip to Bring Yer Wellies!

Year 3 had a fantastic day out at Bring Yer Wellies! We made sandcastles, learnt how to read maps, made a den using sticks, investigated how worms make compost and even took part in an Archaeological Dig! We all had an amazing day.

We are going on a trip to Bring Yer Wellies to do an Archaeological Dig soon!

Here is the letter with all the information you need to know...

Here is our newsletter about what we will be learning this half term...

Our Taekwondo Sessions!

Over the last few weeks, we have been learning all about Taekwondo. We would start each session with a warm up and stretch to make sure we were ready and then we would practice a new move each week. Year 3 have really enjoyed taking part in this sport and learning a new skill. 

Here are some of our pictures and videos from our sessions!

Our trip to the Cinema

We had a brilliant time seeing Trolls 3: Band Together at Vue cinema in the Printworks. Year 3 represented our school very well and they especially enjoyed putting their feet up with the recliner chairs! 

The Taekwondo Grand Prix Tournament

We were invited to the Taekwondo Grand Prix tournament at the Etihad Campus. During the experience, Year 3 and Year 4 tested their skills, learned all about the Paralympics and then watched the Paralympic athletes take part in a match. We also got invited down onto the floor, where the athletes compete, to take part in some active challenges.

A big thank you to all at the Manchester Grand Prix event for looking after us and giving us such an amazing experience!